Freshly Ground Coffee: What Is It & Why Is It Better?
Coffee connoisseurs across the globe have an affinity toward fresh-ground coffee, and rightly so, if you are one of them, you’re about to discover why your coffee tastes so much better when freshly ground. Besides enhancing the taste and quality, your coffee, when ground fresh, also renders several other benefits. You’ll get to know all about it in this blog.
But first, let’s find out what freshly ground coffee is.
What Is Freshly Ground Coffee?
The cherries from a coffee tree (genus Coffea) are picked and processed to obtain the seeds of the fruit referred to as green coffee beans. These beans are then wet-dried and roasted for consumption and supply.
However, roasted coffee beans are not fit for brewing until they are ground to tiny particles for enhanced flavour. Coffee, which usually reaches your home, is pre-ground by heavy machinery in bulk quantities days before they are shipped. Not only does this compromise on taste, but it also leaves no room for choice of grind size. Seldom do you get to experience a flavoursome brew of coffee freshly ground to perfection!
Many South Indian households still prefer to visit the nearest grinding store to get their coffee beans freshly ground. It is, however, not a feasible option for most coffee lovers living in other parts of the country. What then, could be the solution?
As a century-old enterprise that hoists high its flag of heritage and culture, Leo Coffee continues to deliver fresh ground coffee to your homes regardless of where you reside in India. Every time you place an order for freshly ground coffee, our dedicated team grinds the precisely roasted beans sourced from the best coffee-growing tracts in South India and packs it for you with love as per the grind size of your choice.
Why Is Fresh Ground Coffee Better Than Pre-Ground Coffee?
Now that you have got a peek into how fresh ground coffee varies from pre-ground coffee, let’s also understand why the former is better.
Following are certain benefits that fresh ground coffee has over regular, pre-ground coffee:
- Limits Oxidation: If you have been experimenting with your coffee to find the best fit for your taste, you may have observed how the fine particles of coffee get moist when left in contact with air for a while. This is caused by oxidation. Although the lumps formed due to the moisture go away while brewing, over-oxidation also washes away the richness of flavours and aroma. Fresh-ground coffee keeps the flavour intact for a considerably longer duration than pre-ground coffee.
- Minimizes CO2 Depletion: The CO2 molecules enlock all the fine flavours that you cherish in your coffee. Trust us, you don’t want to lose them! But the longer the beans are exposed to air, their large surface area increases CO2 depletion, thereby reducing the quality of your coffee. Fresh-ground coffee minimizes the depletion of CO2 molecules and maintains the quality of taste in your coffee.
- Grind Size Customization: Did you know that the grind size of the coffee beans plays an integral role in making your brew taste better? Coffee purists prefer specific grind sizes for different types of coffee. The surface area exposed, from fine grind to coarse grind, determines the taste of coffee. Pre-ground, one-fit-for-all coffee leaves no room for grind size customization.
- Flavour Variety: If you’re a fan of South Indian Filter Coffee, you must be familiar with the term “Chicory”. A balanced blend of coffee and chicory results in a burst of flavours. Learn more about Chicory here. Pre-ground and packed coffee restricts such amalgamation of ingredients. At Leo Coffee, we let you customize your freshly ground coffee with your preferred chicory blend.
- Intact Special Oils & Aromas: Your coffee holds much more to it than what meets the tongue! There are certain special oils and fine aromas that share shelter in one fine bean of your coffee. Don’t you love how it feels in a cafe? Well, most cafes use fresh ground coffee to serve the aroma and taste that you pay a hefty price for. Chemical reactions that take place in pre-ground coffee lead to the loss of such oils and aroma in your coffee.
Now that you’re convinced of what to choose for your next brew, do not forget to explore the wide range of Fresh Ground Coffee from Leo Coffee. Handpicked by stalwart coffee farmers of Southern India and the Western Ghats, we bring to you a dynamic range of fresh aromatic blends.
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